Saturday, February 11, 2012

Spending my life's hours

Just when I was thinking about blogging about being a working mom, I find myself so busy that I can't post a thing for days.

Which brings me to my point.  Working moms have to hold our daily goals a bit more loosely if we plan to be worth anything to our families when the sun sets.

Giving an eye exam to my Dad
I have pushed my limits over the years, from full time work, to no work at all, and have settled in on part time work. In all these seasons, I have discovered some things that bring me happiness and fulfillment. I have (finally) tried to keep the things in my life that bring me joy at the forefront, no matter what season we are in.

Let's put it this way:   I need to eat. I will find time everyday to get sustenance, no matter what I have in the pantry or in the wallet. I could be nearly broke, but I'd still  prefer to eat beans and rice or PBJ over a McDonalds hamburger with my last 50 cents. We all choose how we spend our precious money, just like we choose how we spend our precious time. Life doesn't just happen, we spend it.

We all have the same 24 hours in the day. Cliche!!! Edit me now!!!

Well, here is one for ya...when you fly from Jordan back to the USA, you can gain anywhere from 6-9 hours, making the calendar day approach 30 hours~  Caveat: these are some of the most unproductive hours you might live, stuck on a plane, behind a 6 inch screen in the seat ahead of you, if you are lucky.
Stick to the regular 24 hours. It is all a human needs.

So, with our 24 hours, we can choose what to do with our time. I now know that I must do some of the things that bring me life every day. But not the same thing every day---no option for that rigid schedule with a family, a job, a house, and other wonderful life opportunities that come up.

What brings you life? What are your hobbies?

I hope you know the answers to these questions. If you can't, it should tell you that you aren't giving yourself enough space to enjoy being the person God made you to be. He didn't just make you to be a star accountant or a super-mom.  God has plans for all of us. We are first, a child of God, then we add on the other stuff as we "grow up".  Please don't forget that there is great purpose in just being ourselves, without the list of achievements. That stuff is just for show in this world, which can pass away in the blink of an eye.

One time, I had the feeling I could paint some canvases for decoration in our house. What? That is crazy. I'm not an artist, per se, but a science nerd who likes a well decorated, orderly house. Painters are free spirited, messy sorts that  have crazy hair and wear hats. Well, that is just the thinking that will keep me living in the lie that "you can't do it all. you can't work and be a good mom. you shouldn't bother wasting time on hobbies".  Lies---all of them.

Although an amateur, I had a fun time playing my worship music as I painted my art on my off days.  I was alive in a new way.  I found a new hobby!

There was also a season in my life where I would just wish I could have time to read more fiction books. My husband would lay in bed while reading and laugh out loud at the stories spun by the authors while I tried to digest the boring Optometry Journals that had been delivered to the office. The journals were full of a supposed wealth of information and I felt obliged to know all I could in order to be the best I could be for my patients. Or was it my reputation I wanted to puff up my knowledge for? uh oh.
Now, I know how to enjoy my time and not do what I "should" do but what I "choose" to do. Sometimes, I do choose an eye journal.

Mostly, now I know how important it is to spend a portion of my morning hour with a quiet worship meditation song, thinking about God and asking for wisdom for the day at hand. Read a bit, pray a bit, sip a coffee. Get off to a peaceful start.

Therefore, this is my first advice to working moms--working dads even:

1. Make time for yourself so that the inner cup of your soul is filled up. Then, you will overflow to your family's stream of needs and desires and not run empty. (as fast as you otherwise might!)
-----What fills you up? What do you wish you could do for yourself? Can someone help you get a half-day off and cover your home or work duty so you can go get that sought after manicure or go to the library for some quiet reading?

My experience tells me that this investment time in yourself has a high payoff rate that is multiplied according to how many others  your life affects.

That is a good investment.

Trying to be a helpful gal, I've included a few links with some things that bring me joy. If you need a boost, give one a try!

A good devo book: Jesus Calling
What I'm currently reading: The Mockingjay (Hunger Games trilogy)
Come Away (Jesus Culture)--one of many songs I can recommend for a peaceful, thoughtful listening time

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