Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My chance to speak

One life--We all have ONE life. ONE day that we are in presently. No worries about yesterday or tomorrow.  I guess I should tell you I don't believe in reincarnation.....

Two eyes--I have been an eyeball fanantic since 11th grade I think. God designed me in His infinite wisdom to love eyes and love helping others see. I dig it.

One chance--I have been trying to hear what God is leading me to do, and then actually do it. I imagine God gives second chances, but how great to obey the first time? If I'm a child of God, I hope to act better than my children do.  No offense, kids, but that whole asking-three-times-to-put-your-clothes-away bit is irritating to a parent.  So, likewise for my Father, I want to obey quickly.

Mainly, I want One Chance with my One Life to make a difference, to leave a size 8 footprint on this earth.

honestly, I actually do worry about yesterday and tomorrow, but I wish I didn't.

More later.
This baby is just taking off!


  1. Glad you decided to blog! Look forward to it. ~MT

  2. Woohoo Leigh Ann--excited to hear your heart! I'll add you to blogging friends' list on my blog too.
