Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another kind of TO DO list

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it
Did David write this, or one of Korah's Kids?  Either way, we love it, don't we?
With every day, I want to wake up and be thankful. I want to find the beauty in the day and rejoice in it. Don't you know there will be boring stuff, hard things, responsibilities--but there will be joy IF we choose it.

So, I stink at this sometimes, and let small things like a dirty house or empty water tanks steal my joy.  I usually end up being "snarky" or snappy and hurt an unsuspecting someone's feelings who was just coming to ask me a small question.  Oh man. Then I see the result of my bad choices, the fruit of my selfish ways, and ---feel bad.  Then I need to apologize and hope that next time I am thankful for the smiling kids around me, or the doting husband who is in love with me. That is enough right there! But also, for God who saved me from my sins.

Do you ever stop and make a list of a few things you are thankful for? That helps me when it feels like so many other things are "hard" or " not fun". 
MY  honest list:
1.  My kids are thriving in another culture. That is amazing. Two of them speak Arabic better than  anyone foreigner I know, literally. Not a proud mama talking, but an observant woman.
2.  Did I mention my cute husband? He is great. So handsome and tenderhearted. I'll stop there to keep it from becoming a cheesy, gushy post,.
3.  I get to run in the hills of Amman. Cool.
4. Our car rarely breaks down. Because I've had one that did, this one is all the more rejoice-able!
5.  My parents are loving and support us. I know others can't always be thankful for that. Plus my Green family in-laws and the a sundry of cousins are so fun, too.
6. Diet coke 
7. One of my ears still works great!
8.  We have gas in our radiators, so we can warm the house.
9.  A fun job at a nice eye hospital here in Amman. I love to learn more and do more and help more. (and get paid more.  Hey, I said it was my honest list)
10.  Worship music that helps me refocus and remember the unseen God in this seeing-give-me-proof-driven world.  

So, I'm rejoicing today. 
I'm embracing the day the Lord made and being glad, even in I drive in Amman and the traffic is nuts. 
Even if I'm really cold when the rain pelts down.
Hey, If David could rejoice when enemies were throwing darts and trying to chase him off cliffs, then I can be OK waiting in traffic and looking at piles of laundry. 
I'll remind myself of my TO-BE-THANKFUL-FOR list.


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