Thursday, March 8, 2012

The ever-losing comparison game

A wise young man that lives with me once said:
Comparison is a game where the other person doesn't even know they are playing and you still can't win.
His name is Trey and I love him. But that isn't the point...

Can you imagine the damage we do to ourselves with the constant comparisons we make with one another? We always lose. Even if we make ourselves "win" by being the on the smarter/more talented/better kids/better job side in the comparison battle, the judging was a bit unfair. A little biased. A little insecure.... The victory is empty.

I have compared myself to others throughout the years of my young, brief life--and found myself too fat in the arms, not good enough of a musician, and not wise enough about Scripture. Of course, my nose, my hair, and my eyes weren't as nice as someone else either.

I am not a great runner and don't look like a model in a bathing suit.
I could lose the comparison battle daily, or...

I can choose not to compare and complain, but be consistently content. 

Contentment breeds peace
            and peace breeds rest
                and rest breeds happiness and fun
                     and happiness breeds beauty that radiates from within--
                          unstoppable, and not in need of special facial creams or hair dyes.

Everlasting beauty.

I encourage you to love yourself and see yourself for your gifts and talents rather than for your failures. We all have both, you know. I have known people who flourished when they stopped worrying about what others might be thinking of them and tried to follow the passions in their heart.

When we take the opinion of others out of the equation, we can more clearly decipher God's direction and His words for us. They are good. You are good. You were created for a purpose, and that purpose is not to try to be someone else.

I would love to know what YOU are good at.
Go ahead. Brag on yourself in the comments---Let's give you the praise you deserve. 
I'll start.............


  1. I am made to be this interesting mix of analytical thinking with sensitivity. It makes me useful as an eye doctor,(and a mother and friend) since I want to listen and be sensitive to how the person feels, yet solve the problem in the best/fastest/most practical way for their unique situation. God created my heart and brain to intermix like this, so I try to use them both to help others.

  2. I recently went through a life-purposing weekend at my church. I learned that God created me to be artistically creative and to get as close to loving others unconditionally as possible. My mind is unique in that it can go in 10 different directions on the fly when I am trying to be creative, leading to so many interesting possibilities. Therefore, I am not being a good steward of my gifts if I only focus my life on what seems "practical" and "useful". Since then, I moved my music equipment to my house (even the drums!) from my storage unit and am working on my songwriting. I am planning to record a song called "Hillside" in April with a local studio. It's very much inspired by the Syrian struggle. And once you tap into your gifts, you are shocked by how much passion is inside of you.

    1. Excellent KO..You will open doors to others with your bravery. Showing your sons and others not to be afraid of what others might think. Can't wait to hear the song. Drums, eh?

    2. Yes, it could be easy for me to compare myself to others and say - I'm too old to be making art and music an important part of my life. That's for the youngins...but I sort of just tune that voice out. "What other people think" is sometimes a voice in your head that often is flat wrong.

  3. What does the internet have against apostrophes?!?!?!

    1. I personally like O&#39Brien better than O'Brien. Let's see teachers pronounce that! They thought Krolczyk was hard.

  4. Leigh Anne, this post was awesome! I love Trey's quote at the beginning. If I did Pinterest, I would pin it. ;)

    The way I was made...hmmm...I like to connect with kids and value them as people; real people! Ever since I had mine and read about how valuable good communication is, it opened my eyes to having more fun conversations, having patience to listen to long, silly stories, and make eye contact (and hugs!). Also, God made me to love celebrating the small things, so this translates to celebrating everything about everyone - not just small kids. Thankful for God's design. Thanks for helping me meditate on that tonight.

    1. Valuing kids and celebrating small things sounds like the characteristics of Jesus. Way to go--Miss Made In His Image!!!!

  5. Heritage Texas Properties does a high volume of relocation business, and often we get a transferee who needs a little extra attention and hand-holding during the home buying process. Our Relocation Department will say: "Give this one to Sharon...our PATIENT Realtor!" Although that descriptive adjective does not always prove true, I do try to make that my mission both in Real Estate and in all areas of my life. I want to be known as someone who will always be willing to hold a hand and go an extra mile. And the blessings always make it worth the journey.

    1. Yes, you are patient and I love they way you hold hands and go extra miles. It shaped me immensely. Love you, momma.

  6. Leigh Anne: I think this hits on even the way we've been taught to live out our lives for J. When we feel led to do/be something a little unconventional (also not worrying about what others think), it can rub that religious spirit a bit. I am thankful for the space I've been given to find life in who God has made me to be and for the grace from others to continue to figure that out. Thanks for encouraging our uniqueness today!

  7. Jenni, I am thankful for you and your confidence to reach out to others and listen to them and encourage them to be unique. All this from to a lady on Etsy--it figures you'd like uniqueness!
